
Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Snail-paced broadband and...

...a spell of Jury Service.

Just a brief catch-up to prove I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.

Road works, gas main replacement and general weather conditions seem to have been impacting on the broadband services in my area for a while. I don't think having half the street dug-up during the snow helped very much as a lot of the cable piping was exposed to the elements for a few weeks.

Trying to read my emails each day has become a struggle because the limited time I have available doesn't fit well with the lengthy periods it takes to load Outlook.

On top of this, Windows 10 keeps freezing me out telling me that urgent updates are required yet when I try to install them I'm told that everything is up to date ??? ***grrrrrrrr*** more hassle. As a result, I haven't loaded any new photos for a while so I do apologise for the lack of pics.

Things were ticking along generally and I was looking forward to another weekend away with crafting friends like the one I went on last year. Panic set in when I received a summons to do Jury Service.

Although the two weeks specified should not have caused any problems, I had visions of ending up on a long case that would drag on & on &...

Luckily it didn't - I was only selected for one case which was over & done with in 3 days.

I can't say I enjoyed my time, so much sitting around waiting to hear whether you are needed. However, I was very productive - I have done a lot of crochet and managed to make a good selection for flowers and small projects ready for our "Learning at Work Week" event. I have also nearly completed a crochet blanket (700grams worth of DK yarn) which actually came in handy and helped to keep me warm as the court building is very cold - unfortunately I couldn't take the blanket into the court room even though it was like an ice-box...just had to make do with coats, scarves and lots of layered clothing. Apparently they don't like the court to be too warm as the legal folk have to wear gowns & wigs.

So I'm back at work, catching up on hundreds of emails and trying to sort out a few issues that arose whilst I was off. At least I now know that there won't be any problems concerning the crafting weekend - time can't pass quickly enough for me.......................................................................


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Good to see a post from you. Sounds like you have been productive and can enjoy a crafting weekend

Redanne said...

Good to see you back, I did wonder..... Glad the Jury Service was OK too! xx

voodoo vixen said...

Hi Toni, thanks for visiting! I have never had the honor of doing jury service, it would probably end up being a really boring case and I would have to try and stay awake! LOL
I think my mojo has returned for a visit, I am hoping it isn't a fleeting one. Injuries and surgery made it hard to play in the scrap room but now I can manage for an hour or two I am making things again.