...sorry, don't mean to be rude LOL
In the days before Bridget Jones kindly shared her views on 'Big Knickers' with the world, they existed but were rarely referred to...........
Over on UKS there have been a number of threads about things that folk remember either with fond memories OR horror - sweets that are no longer available or have changed their names, favourite childrens programmes/books, music - a whole host of stuff.
Every generation seems to have it's own memories but one thing that seems to be a constant is "Embarrassing Parents" and this is where the introduction to this post comes in c",)
My Mum was for ever telling us how my Nan made her wear knickers with legs and a hankie pocket...she always said how embarrassing it was to have Nan check that she had a clean hankie in her pocket - you would think having been subjected to this she would have tried to avoid making similar mistakes but NO............
I remember well at primary school sniggering with my friends about religious knickers or as we called them HOLY knickers (as most kids will do, we played on the fact that they were holey knickers/airtex) the last thing any of us would have been seen dead in was a pair of these. So imagine my shame at having these bought for me by my Mum :o(
I became quite adept at making sure they were in the washing basket all the time and was relieved when the elastic finally gave out on them (probably due to all that washing LOL).
Over the years Mum managed to subject my sister and I to various 'wardrobe' embarrassments but despite this my niece has confided in me that her Mum has done exactly the same...
Do you remember your parents embarrassing you in this way? I'm sure you can think of some instances **big grin**........................