
Saturday, 31 January 2015

January 2015...

...been and all but gone.

I can not believe how fast this month has gone but here we are on the 31st and February is peeking round the corner.

So what has been going on this month...

17 - was the last day I posted on here so obviously not a lot of blogging going on.

2 - craft days have been attended. The Eastwood scrappers crop on the 17th & an Andy Pearson workshop on the 24th. Both were really enjoyable days.

10 - scarves have been completed so my stock for Christmas gifts is underway.

1 - trip to Cambridge for work and this time there were no problems with the trains going (British rail saved those for the journey home grrrrrrrrr).

12 - the number of staff I am currently supporting through a very difficult time of being told they are 'surplus to requirement'. 4 are searching for new posts within the business, 6 have decided to take the redundancy money and go and 2 are still struggling to come to terms with the announcement - difficult times.

5 - the number of staff who have realised that they are going to have a lot more work to deal with.

30 - date of the first day of "Member's Weekend". Stuck pretty much to my shopping list which was good. Spent loads of money - not so good but was planned for (so I can still eat for the next month LOL).

So today is the last day of January 2015 and I will be meeting my friend Suzie for breakfast & a chat as we haven't seen each other since before Christmas. Oh, and as we will be meeting at Barleylands there could be a few more items obtained as it is day two of Member's weekend.

Any chance that February might go at a more reasonable pace?..................................................


Virginia said...

Ah that's a fab round up in numbers Toni, so sorry about the redundancy situation at work - so difficult to support staff in those times. I'm facing it again at the end of March as are a number of my colleagues!

Sue Jones said...

Wow a hard month for those losing thier jobs :(
Heres to Feb! :)

Redanne said...

So sorry that it has been a difficult month at work, it is never easy when redundancies happen but I am sure that having you there to support them helped a lot.

Great job getting the scarves done though! Hugs, Anne xx

Sandra said...

What a difficult position to be in at work. So heartbreaking. I hope you enjoyed meeting your friend and I hope February is a great month for you xx