..all the good manners gone?
As I struggled home on the train this evening, loaded down with shopping and not in the best frame of mind because the crop had been cancelled, I stood fuming in a very crowded carriage as two young boys tried to 'kung-foo' kick each other - and not a word of censure from the 'dad' accompanying them :o(
I was trying very hard to protect my shopping and hold my tongue (grrrrrrrrr, hurumffff).
Unfortunately, in the present climate it does not bode well to make comments as the media is full of reports about the terrible consequencies that can result - the Nottinghill Carnival is a perfect example, where a guy was fatally stabbed for trying to protect his deaf friend from a gang of taunting, bullying thugs. We appear to have a catch-22 situation...
We don't say anything for fear of reprisals and the yobs carry on behaving the way they do cos no one says anything...
But back to the main topic - manners seem to have gone the way of the Dodo.
When you are trying to negotiate your way around London Underground & British Rail with a load of shopping it is surely not too much to ask (????????) for folk to say "excuse me" or "sorry" if they bump into you - afterall, everyone is in the same position - trying to get home.
I also wonder if folk truely believe you have been standing on the platform just for the benefit of your health. The Jubilee line schedule and that of c2c do not 'gel' well so I often find myself in the position of having
just missed a train. If the next service due is an 8 carriage train I am often the only one standing at the end of the platform for anything up to 30 mins (or more). So why do folk, who have only just arrived as the train is pulling in, feel they have a right to barge in front of me to get on the train. Even worse - they barge you out of the way so they can get on the train and then they
STOP, effectively blocking the entrance for everyone else. Not only do they have no manners but it is clear they have very little by way of the 'grey matter' between their ears.
Are good manners really a thing of the past or is there still time to revive this dying behaviour?
I have a number of pet hates as far as BAD manners are concerned...
1. Personal HiFi / iPods played too loud -
Of course we don't mind (doh) we are just standing here for something to do...3. Barging folk out of the way without a 'by your leave or thank you' -
Sorry I'm not a mind reader, I didn't realise you wanted to walk exactly where I currently am...4. Chewing gum with mouth open and making horrid "splonching" noises -
GROSS!!!5. Elderly folk who think their age gives them the right to be served first even when the shop staff are dealing with another customer -
We all have to take our turn...6. Folk who continue to maintain a converstation on their mobiles whilst at the check-out -
RUDE OR WHAT!!!!!!7. Nose picking -
ULTRA GROSS!!!8. Able-bodied folk parking in disabled parking spaces -
Lack of consideration, I hope they never have to contend with this problem when they have a real need...9. Parents not keeping their childern under control and condoning bad behaviour -
If you can't be bothered with your kids why do you think the rest of us might be...10. Folk who put their feet on seats on public transport -
I just hope you are wearing something really expensive when you sit down on something yuk... Oooooooooo, I could go on and on, but it's not very good manners to bore ones readers to death (LOL)....................