...and tillrolls.
Here are the pics I promised.

I had a fab time playing with the inks - despite getting mucky LOL

It is surprising what different effects can be created with some coloured inks and a cotton wool ball...

One of the most fun things about this lesson was the trying out of different colour mixes - some worked better than others but none were 'wrong'.

I think a little tweaking of my cards and they will be ready to go in my card box - I always like to have a supply of handmade cards at the ready.

It is amazing how different the finish can be just by lifting the card from the shaving foam in a differnt direction.

Flowers are so 'in' at the moment in papercrafting and over recent months I have tried a number of different methods but I think I like these best (haven't tried the Tim Holt style flowers yet).
Well I really enjoyed playing with all these techniques so guess what...I've signed up for a Tim Holts Inking/distressing class in April. You never know, I might actually get to like this 'getting mucky' LOL........................
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