On Saturday evening I was doing my usual blopping and Bev Rochester had posted a link to her fellow DT member Dawny P. The link went to a post asking for help from anyone who knits and was willing to give up a bit of time to knit a baby jumper and/or a baby beanie hat.
Why was the call being made?
To help provide some clothing for what are being called "Fish & Chip babies" out in Africa. I think this term is awful but it is something 'coined' by the media and if nothing else it does graphically show their plight - babies are being wrapped in newspaper to protect them from the sun and to keep them warm at night...wrapped in paper just like a portion of fish & chips.
Dawny had a pattern on her blog to make a jumper (really easy as it is done all in one piece) and a little beanie hat. She has said if anyone is willing to get their needles out and forward the results to her she will pass them on to the appropriate folk.
I have been knitting scarves lately as the larger needles don't cause me so much trouble with the old Arfa-ritis but I dug out a pair of 4mm needles and some double knit and got stuck in...
I got both items out of a 100g ball (and there is still a fair amount left) so I'm sure you could find this small amount of yarn from your stash - why not use up all your leftovers and knit in stripes...
The two items were completed by Sunday evening (allowing for regular breaks for the poor old fingers and wrists) so shouldn't take anyone too long to complete.
Why not hop over to Dawn P's blog and have a look at the patterns and better still - get those needles out.
I'm giving my fingers a bit of a rest today - although I may get the scarf out later...we shall see.....................................
Your jumper and hat are lovely Toni, and what a worthwhile cause! Sadly I can't knit myself, but I hope they get lots of signups!
What a cute little jumper and beanie and very kind cause :) I Don't actually know how to knit but have a few friends that do so will pass the information to them and post info on my face book page so the word gets around hope that might help x
Your knitted items are lovely and colourful! I wish I could knit, but sadly it is a skill that has escaped me. Well done for putting your skills to use in this worthwhile cause!
Debbie x
OOOO these are so nice.... I can knit...but only scarfs or dishcloths..as I do not understand patterns..and the ability to knit one pearl one has not happened yet...!!! I so wish I could help.. I will go have a look and then maybe have to make myself knit trying to follow a pattern.. although maybe at the end of it..the jumper may have holes for two babies and not just the one..
Well done Tony!
Unfortunately I'm rubbish at knitting. xx
What a lovely idea, will pass this on to my other knitty friends.
C xx
Saw your comment on Dawny P's post so popped over to see if you mentioned how much wool it used ... delighted to see that you have said 100g.... I have so many odd balls left in my knitting box. Love your finished items - so adorable - just posting about it on my blog now.
Oh it is wonderful! And such a good cause! Kim
Toni, What a wonderful thing your doing! Keeping those babies warm and dry. Bless You! I wish I knew how to knit.
hugs Lynn
I live in Wston super Mare. Who can I give my fish and chip jumpers to? Margaret (margaret@brees.co.uk)
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