
Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Easter... true British weather style.

The weather forecast for the Easter weekend was not great and in parts of the UK there was even the promise of SNOW. However, in my neck of the woods the temps certainly dropped but we didn't get the terrible rain storms that we had been threatened with.

On the whole, the weather in the UK has been pretty good for the last few weeks but it has taken the day a little while to get going with mornings often dull & chilly.

The other end of the day has been quite muted too.

What warmth there has been during the day has caused many evenings to be hazy/misty...
 ...but this creates quite a lovely effect when looking at the Sun going down...
 ...through the shadow of the trees...
...and the colours of the sunset have been quite soft.

The biggest problem I have had this weekend has been trying to decide whether to risk making a start on some more of the outside painting. However, with the forecast for my area being so unfavourable I really didn't want to start on something that would have to be left mid-way. I did consider painting the front door as it is sheltered from the elements but who wants to have all their heating disappearing outside as the door would have needed to stay open whilst the paint dried.

So the Easter weekend has seen nothing in the way of outside décor and to be honest not much has gone on inside either - other than dipping into a few Christmas movies. Yep, you read that right - True Movies had a whole day (Easter Sunday) of Christmas movies...go figure.

No decorating achieved but I did get a lot of crochet done.............................................................


Redanne said...

My son and his wife came up from Kent, they left beautiful weather and had to make do with rain up here in the North - we must have got your rain too, it was worse than forecast... hopefully you will get some good weather for painting next weekend. xx

Lori said...

Beautiful photos! Glad you got to crochet, even if the outdoor activities didn't work out!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

We had glorious weather all over Easter and it's continuing even now! It's put a stop to our decorating as we just want to be outside all the time... Are you still doing fundraising for the RNLI? If so, do you need anything? I think I need projects to do in order for me to get back in my craft room!
Hugs, LLJ 1 xxx