
Sunday 19 June 2011


...well, getting there.

For some time I've been meaning to put together a book of pics of the cards that I've made but you know how things are...all good intentions but life gets in the way and these things never get done.

Back in May I entered the world of 'challenges' and seem to have got quite hooked. Unfortunately, scribbling down details & dates on scrap paper wasn't working for me and I was getting myself in a bit of a muddle - then I found this...
...a notebook I hear you saying with a questioning tone - yep a note book. I know, I have a Bind-it-All and if I needed a notebook I could easily have made one but this was too good to pass by. It is A5, has lots of pages in a good quality paper, wipe clean covers and it was only £1 in the clearance section of WHS. I could never have made one for that.

I can note the details of each challenge as it is posted...
...and when I've completed my item and posted it on the challenge site I can print off some wallet size pics for sticking in the book.

This way the notebook is serving two purposes... is a record of the challenges that I'm interested in (and have entered) and also a record of the designs that I have come up with so that if I'm stuck for inspiration I have something to look at.

Such a simple idea really, but very useful...
...because I can even print-off copies of sketches that are sometimes part of the challenge and then I have that readily to hand too.

Andy at Pinnacles thinks I'm way too organised LOL but hey, it works for me - how do you keep your projects straight? Do you make notes, do you have a book or do you just 'wing-it'? I'd love to know what works for you..............................


CLaire said...

Brilliant idea...
Me I am afraid have lots of scraps of paper by the PC, and then sometimes I don't use them, and end up looking up the blog again.. !!!
I have seen some blogs were they make one card and it goes into lots of challenges !!! I am afraid I am not that good..
But the book idea is good...

cantstopstampin said...

Great idea..........looks fab. well done

Anonymous said...

Good idea, I hope you manage to get organised with all your challenges, just doing the weekly and monthly UKS ones is enough for me.

Unknown said...

What a great idea. Wish I was so organised!

Kim Dellow said...

Oo look at you Mrs organised! :) Kim

Sandra said...

Oh I'm with you, I love being organised and hey I don't think you can ever have too many notepads. This really is such a good idea- you've got your own smash book :)

Ruthie said...

Organised...hmmmm, have heard that word somewhere before. *racking brains*
Nope, cant think of it!


Debbie said...

Excellent idea, I love lists and notebooks and being organised! I used to keep a note of cards I'd made and dates I made them so I could cross-refernce my photos - I might need to reinstate that!!

Sue Jones said...

I can't imagine ever being that organised..its a great idea :)