Being back at work has meant the knitting has slowed down a bit **sigh** and my knitting basket has been sitting there giving me evil looks LOL
To be honest, the Christmas holiday and the luxury of being able to spend time crafting seems so long ago (three weeks LOL) and what with the commuting and the hassle of all the changes going on at work I really didn't feel like sitting knitting - which seemed such a shame as I had been really enjoying it.
Last night I decided to get the needles out and make an effort and tonight I stitched the finished item...
Mum picked up some packs of buttons at her local 99p store for me so I really have no excuse - I have plenty of yarn and now I have a good selection of buttons to last me...well at least for a little while.
I rather like the cream yarn so I might have a bit of a play and make some more hugs but with different colour decorations. Hope the clicking of the needles doesn't disturb you........................
I hope you don't mind if I take a seat and join you lol.
Two sets of clacking should get others to join us :)
About the holiday pictures ... I took over 400. *grin* Bless the digital times. :)
Cute mug warmer and no the clicking dosent bother me at all. knit away!
well done for picking the needles up again, great work
Ooh, that's a pretty one! I forgot to let you know I received my hugs last week, thank! Will blog them soon. :D
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